CPEC to ensure development of Balochistan, country: Sanjrani

Successful completion of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects will bring development and prosperity for Balochistan and the whole nation. Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani expressed these views while addressing a 100-member delegation of students from seven districts of Balochistan here at Parliament House on Sunday.

He said that Balochistan is on the path of development and prosperity. “Development of Gwadar is imperative for the prosperity of the country,” he said, adding that the people from all over the country would come to Balochistan for economic activity, and “this province will be at the forefront in coming days.”
Sanjarani said that optimum utilisation of natural resources and promoting education is crucial to development and prosperity of Balochistan. He added that Balochistan is rich in natural resources, and the people of Balochistan, especially the educated youth, can reap benefits from the CPEC projects.

“Being the future of the nation, the young generation should step up and play their full role in the country’s progress and prosperity,” he remarked.
Highlighting the importance of Gwadar, Sanjrani underscored that the development of the country was interlinked with Gawadar, which could be taken advantage of not only to change the destiny of Balochistan but also to bring growth and prosperity to the entire country.
“Steps are being taken to promote education in Balochistan. Soon universities will be set up in Chaghi and Gawadar areas of Balochistan province so that the people there can get higher education,” he informed the visiting students.
He said the Senate has been playing an essential role in encouraging the young generation and invited various delegations to acquaint the students with the work of Parliament House.

Sanjrani remarked, “It is the shared responsibility of all of us to convince the world that the people of Balochistan are progressive and would work hard to find new avenues for development.”
While lauding Prime Minister Imran Khan’s efforts for Balochistan development, Sanjrani underlined that the prime minister has been paying particular attention to the development of Balochistan, which resulted in approval of projects worth billions of rupees.

Sanjarani, while giving detailed answers to the questions regarding power outages and water issues, said steps are being taken to resolve the problems of electricity and water in Gwadar.
While referring to his recent visit to Iran, Sanjrani apprised the students that detailed consultation on the aforementioned issues was held with the newly elected President of Iran.

He informed that six trade routes on the border were also identified during the meeting with the newly elected President of Iran. Sanjrani assured the delegation that a permanent solution for electricity and water would be sorted out in a year.
He said with the cost of Rs18 billion, Gwadar would soon be connected to the national grid. Furthermore, with the installation of a 50MW solar plant, the electricity requirement of one district could be met.
For the permanent solution of the water issue, a plan would be put in place to desalinate salted water, he informed, adding “There are vast opportunities to generate electricity from alternative sources in the province.”
Sanjrani also remarked that he would talk to the Chinese government about granting scholarships to at least 300 students of Balochistan. “I will take every possible step to bring the students of Balochistan at par with other students of the country,” he stressed.
The Saudi government has also sought details of 50 to 60 students in terms of scholarships and higher education, he said, adding children from Balochistan would also be sent there to pursue higher education. He asked students of Balochistan to learn from the expertise of those who are already working in Gwadar.

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